First, ensure that you are signed in on the IPlay homepage, then click on the icon in the upper-right corner of the page.
Then choose 'edit profile' from the drop-down menu to navigate to the 'Account Settings' page.
On the 'Account Settings' page, click the 'Billing & Membership' link on the left side of the page to navigate to the 'Manage Subscriptions' screen.
Once on the 'Manage Subscriptions' screen, click the 'Payment Methods' link.
Here, you should see a list of any current credit cards you have attached to your account.
Click 'Add New' to add a new credit card, or click on the existing credit card to update the information.
If updating a card, the 'Add' button will change to 'Update'. *Please note that you may be prompted by your bank to authenticate.
Click HERE for instructions on how to sign in.
Click HERE for instructions on how to update your account information.